Retainers are the most important part of orthodontic treatment. Retainers help keep the teeth in their final, straight position. Without retainers, teeth can go back to the original position. There are many styles of retainers used by orthodontists.
Clear Retainers
Pro: Discreet appearance and convenience
Pro: Clear retainers can be made in office
Pro: Clear retainers are fast to make – taking anywhere from 15 minutes (if you have a 3D model) to a few hours
Pro: The full coverage of the retainer provides maximum retention to prevent relapse
Pro: Fake teeth can be added when there are missing teeth
Pro: Less expensive than Hawley retainers
Pro: Will not impacted speech or cause a lisp
Con: Will not last as long as Hawley retainers, especially in patients who grind their teeth
Hawley Retainers
Pro: Lack of occlusal coverage may be more comfortable for some patients
Pro: Hawley retainers may be able to correct minor tooth movement
Pro: There is the possibility for customization – color, glitter, etc.
Pro: May last longer than a clear retainer, especially for patients who grind their teeth
Con: Production of a Hawley retainer requires more time (1+ week)
Con: The bulky material may be a problem for some patients and cause a lisp
Con: Visible metal wire can be seen
Con: More expensive than a clear retainer
Fixed Retainers
Pro: Fixed retainers can be placed in office
Pro: Fixed retainers are discreet because they can be placed on the backside of the teeth
Pro: Good at retaining teeth that were rotated or severely displaced at the start of treatment
Pro: Beneficial for patients with a large tongue or with the tongue thrust habit
Con: Fixed retainers may not be able to be placed behind the upper teeth if the lower teeth will occlude on them, causing wearing of the lower teeth or damage to the fixed retainer
Con: Cause hygiene issues for some patients due the difficulty of cleaning
Con: They will break or come off the teeth at some point; they are not permanent
Con: All teeth must be well-aligned